Aim And Scope

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that study diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatry journals welcome the research based on mental illness leading to suicide, reasons for depression, articles on mental health, research on addition disorders, case reports on anxiety. Psychiatry is the Journal maintained by Edelweiss Publications which ensures of Rapid Peer Process with the help of Editorial Broad. These deals with stress, anxiety disorders, behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, phobias, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, addiction, mental illness, depression.

Psychiatry open access publishes articles also related to above but not limited to it. All the articles related to psychiatry are published online. Psychiatry is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.

Authors may submit their valuable research at

Indexing and Archiving

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Psychiatry got its name as a medical specialty in the early 1800s.  For the first century of its existence, the psychiatry with severely disordered individuals confined to hospitals.  These patients were generally psychotic, severely depressed or suffered with dementia, brain tumors, seizures, hypothyroidism and many more we would now recognize as medical. The treatment was rudimentary, often harsh and generally ineffective at ancient times. By the turn of the 20th century, the neurologist Sigmund Freud published theories on the unconscious roots of some of these less severe disorders, which he termed psycho-neuroses. Freud developed psychoanalysis to treat these neurotic patients.  However psychiatry soon became in providing this treatment. Thus, Psychoanalysis first became the treatment for psychiatric outpatients.  It also created a split in the field, between biological psychiatry and psychotherapy, which continues to this day.

By the late 1950s and early 1960s, new medications began to change the efforts psychiatry.  Although a well-funded community mental health system never materialized as promised, psychiatric patients with varying levels of symptoms and dysfunction were now treated as outpatients, often with both medication and psychodynamic psychotherapy, i.e., less intensive psychotherapy based on psychoanalytic principles.

Psychiatry disorders which are commonly seen are:

Schizophrenia: Fails to understand the reality and having false thinking.

Mental illness: Abnormalities of feelings, behavior and anxiety (may be genetically, physiologically, environmentally) and Psychiatry invites to publish articles related to mental illness leading to suicide.

Anxiety disorders: Having fear to be in society when speaking with people and other types of fears as well and psychiatry welcomes the researchers to submit case reports on anxiety.

Behavioral changes: Based on the behavior of the person related to situations, psychiatry journals related to articles on mental health can also be published.

Phobia: Fear of things (lizards, cats, spiders) or situations or heights (Top of buildings).

Stress: Based on the work, life-style, and family pressures and our journal welcome to globalize your research on reasons for depression/stress.

Scope of Journal                                           

Clinical psychiatry

Forensic psychiatry

Biological psychiatry


Molecular psychiatry


Psychological medicine

Clinical psychiatry

Clinical psychiatry is a combination of science for applying clinical knowledge of understanding the psychology of people behavior and emotional conditions and relieving patients from psychologically-based mental disorder. Psychiatry journals welcome the research based on mental illness leading to suicide. Psychological assessment, Clinical formulation, Psychotherapy is also practiced by this psychiatry.

Forensic psychiatry

Forensic psychiatry is related to criminology, dealing with the legal aspects of behavior and mental disorders. Psychiatry invites the researchers to submit the articles on mental health and research on addition disorders. A forensic psychiatrist includes services like determination of raised issue in order to stand the trial in court and provide treatment like psychotherapy to criminals and medication.

Biological psychiatry

Biological psychiatry or bio psychiatry it deals with recognizing and understanding types of mental disorders regarding nervous system in sense of biological activities. It draws an approach towards interdisciplinary mode of sciences such as biochemistry, genetics, epigenetics, neuroscience, psychopharmacology, physiology to carry out the systematic flow of biological functions of psychopathology and behavior. Our journal Edelweiss publication, welcomes the global researchers to submit the articles related to neuropsychiatry journals also.


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by failure to understand reality and abnormal social behavior. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems like anxiety, depressive. All researches can publish the manuscript with us at psychiatry open access, research work related to reasons for depression, case reports on anxiety, research on addition disorders. Symptoms include such as hearing voices that others do not, false beliefs, lack of motivation, unclear or confused thinking, reduced social engagement and emotional expressions. These Symptoms gradually begin in young adulthood and last a long life time.

Psychological medicine

Psychological Medicine is related to the aspects of basic science and psychology. This is a branch of psychiatry that focuses on the diagnosis treatment, and prevention of mental disorders in children, adolescents, and their families. It investigates the biopsychosocial factors that influence the development and course of these psychiatric disorders and treatment regarding it. Psychiatry also accepts the research work related to neuropsychiatry journals.


Orthopsychiatry is a branch of medical science concerned with the causes and origins of diseases to treat mental illness and behavioral disorders, not conforming the rules to approach the individualized testing of each patients specific symptoms and diagnosis to attempt an etiology and then provided with the treatment accordingly by dietary changes, medications are given to enhance quality of life, including combination of nutrients leading to reduce functioning of metabolic activities or eliminate the activity, by this use of xenobiotic drugs is reduced. However the Orthopsychiatry has been rejected by the mainstream medical community. Edelweiss Publications Inc maintains the psychiatry journal and promotes the research works around the globe.

Current issues on Psychiatry


(1)Clinical studies related to normal human behavior and all disciplines of psychiatric illness, including physiological, biochemical, environmental, psychological, epidemiological factors and genetic

(2)Basic studies applicable to psychiatry in such fields as neuroendocrinology, neuropsychopharmacology, epidemiology, electrophysiology, genetics and experimental psychology

(3)The relationship between cognitive functioning and negative symptoms in patients at clinical risk for psychosis

(4)Connections that moderate risk of gender non-conforming youth and non-suicidal self-injury among transgender

(5) The symptoms of schizophrenia is associated with oxy-hemoglobin concentrations the effects of transcranial stimulations in the brain