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Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (ISSN 2639-6807)

Volume 4 Issue 1


IntroductionHypertension (HTN) is the most common disorder seen in family practice, affecting over 25% of primary care patients. Less than 50% of hypertensives are controlled, and mortality as well as morbidity is increasing. While several causative mechanisms of HTN have been elucidated, much investigation remains [1,2]. A neuroadrenergic caus View more


Introduction Diabetics have a two-fold increased risk of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), the most common cause of death in adult diabetics. Subgroup analyses have not explained this adequately [1]. Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy (DAN) [2], carries a 53% 5yr. mortality, half of the deaths sudden [3]. DAN can progress to Cardiovascular Autonomi View more

Research Article

DOI Number:

Management of Metabolic Acidosis in the Post-Cardiac Surgical Patient

Jeevan Francis, Sneha Prothasis, Richard Varghese, Midhuna Jomon, Rexy Roy, Keith Buchan


Background The causes of severe metabolic acidosis in the post-cardiac surgical patient fall into two categories-Hypoperfusion and deranged glucose metabolism. Hypoperfusion can also be defined as impaired oxygen delivery [1]. When the tissues have an insufficient oxygen supply, they switch from aerobic (mitochondrial) ATP production to an View more


Introduction   Ostial Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery (LAD) lesions were for long regarded as those clinical subset that are unsuitable for coronary stenting. An ostial stenosis is defined as angiographic narrowing of ≥ 70% located within 3 mm of a vessel origin. Ostial LAD artery lesion presenting with acute anterio View more


Introduction The initial presentation of a novel Coronavirus-2 (COVID-19) that is resulting in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) had appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019 [1]. COVID-19 Disease is a highly communicable, rapidly spread, lethal worldwide disease [2]. Despite COVID-19 disease was primarily presented with respiratory View more


IntroductionAccording to World Health Organization data, cardiovascular diseases represent the most frequent cause of death worldwide. Among these diseases, atherosclerosis which develops unevenly along the coronary tree, remains the leading cause of death. Influence of vessel geometry and hemodynamic characteristics on the development of va View more