Adolescent Behavior
Adolescence is an important developing independence, characterized by marked biological and physiological changes. Typically, adolescents exercise their independence by questioning, and sometimes breaking, rules. Behaviorally, adolescence is associated with volatile emotions and boundary testing behavior as individuals explore and assert personal identity, learn to navigate peer relationships, and transition to independence. Adolescent behavior is dangerous or otherwise unacceptable despite their parents best efforts may need professional intervention. Behavioral problems also may be a symptom of learning disabilities, depression, or other mental health disorders. Such disorders typically require counseling and mental health disorders often also require treatment with drugs. Other common disruptive behaviors of childhood include oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder.
Psychiatry OpenAccess journal invites researcher from around the globe working on Adolescent Behavior. It is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. It covers the topics such as stress, anxiety disorders, antidepressants, Behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, Phobias, Amnesia, Addiction, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Cognitive Disorders and not limited to above areas. Psychiatry Open Access is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.