Hallucinations are where someone sees, hears, smells, tastes or feels things that dont exist outside their mind. They are common in people with schizophrenia, and are usually experienced as hearing voices. Hallucinations can be frightening, but there usually an identifiable cause. For example, they can occur as a result of taking illegal drugs or alcohol, a mental illness, such as schizophrenia or dementia, a progressive neurological condition, such as Alzheimers disease or Parkinsons disease, loss of vision caused by a condition such as macular degeneration this is known as Charles Bonnet syndrome. Hallucinations can make you feel nervous, paranoid and frightened, so its important to be with someone you can trust. The following explains the typical types of hallucinations, such as
· Drug induced hallucinations
· Sleep
· Hallucinations in children with a fever
· Hallucinations in older people with delirium
Hallucinations can also occur as a result of extreme tiredness or recent bereavement.
Hallucinations are related to Psychiatry. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that study diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatry Open Access journal invites researcher from around the globe working on Hallucinations. It is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. It covers the topics such as stress, anxiety disorders, antidepressants, Behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, Phobias, Amnesia, Addiction, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Cognitive Disorders and not limited to above areas. Psychiatry Open Access is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.