Transpersonal Psychology
Transpersonal psychology is the type of psychological theory that embraces a wide variety of ideas that have everything to do with the mind and behavior. Transpersonal psychology was a whole human experience. Transpersonal psychology focuses on the spiritual side of human nature, parapsychology is concerned with the paranormal, such as psychic phenomena, including precognition, clairvoyance, near-death experiences, and psycho kinesis. Transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego, peak experiences, mystical experiences, systemic trance, spiritual crises, spiritual evolution, religious conversion, altered states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and other sublime and unusually experiences of living.
Transpersonal psychology is related to Psychiatry. Psychiatry OpenAccess journal invites researcher from around the globe working on Psychiatric Counseling. It is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. It covers the topics such as stress, anxiety disorders, antidepressants, Behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, Phobias, Amnesia, Addiction, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Cognitive Disorders and not limited to above areas. Psychiatry Open Access is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.