Startle Reaction
Startle reaction is also known as Startle Pattern, an extremely rapid psychophysiological response of an organism to a sudden and unexpected stimulus such as a loud sound or a blinding flash of light. Startle response is considered as an atypical inherited neurological disorder which may act on the toddlers, kids and even adults. Person, affected by the ailment of exaggerated startle response have sudden and high startle reactions such as body spasms or eye blinking to unexpected or sudden noise, touch or movement. Cognitive therapy and physical therapy are considered as additional treating options. Syndromes with hyper startling as common feature can be divided into three groups: hyperekplexia, stimulus-induced disorders, and neuropsychiatric disorders. The treatment for exaggerated startle response is uncomplicated and related to the use of the medicines of anti-spastic and anti-anxiety. Most common causes for developing exaggerated startle response are,
· Negligence and physical abuse
· Stiffness from birth
· Sexual violence
· Physical assault
· Anxiety and depression
· Strong desire to consume alcohol or drugs
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