Sleep paralysis
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move, it occurs when waking up (hypnagogic or predormital form) or falling asleep (hypnopompic or postdormital form). Its not harmful and should pass in a few seconds or minutes, but can be very frightening. It is also important to know if there is something else that is causing your sleep problems. They may be a result of one of the following disorders like another sleep disorder such as narcolepsy, hallucinations, medical condition, medication use, mental health disorder, substance abuse.
Sleep paralysis is related to Psychiatry. Psychiatry Open Access journal is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. It covers the topics such as stress, anxiety disorders, antidepressants, Behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, Phobias, Amnesia, Addiction, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Cognitive Disorders and not limited to above areas.