Psychology Health
Psychology health is the study of psychological and behavioral processes in health, illness, and healthcare. Health psychologists can work with people on basis, in groups, as a family, or at a larger population levels and deals with clinical health psychology, public health psychology, community health psychology, critical health psychology. Signs and symptoms of psychology health includes feeling sad or down, confused thinking, fears or worries, mood changes, tiredness, low energy, sleeping problems, delusions, paranoia, inability to cope with daily problems, stress, drug abuse, changes in eating habits, sex drive changes, excessive anger, hostility, suicidal thinking, and some physical problems such as stomach pain, back pain, headache, or other unexplained aches and pains.
Psychology Health is related to Psychiatry. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that study diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatry Open Access journal invites researcher from around the globe working on Psychology Health. It is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. It covers the topics such as stress, anxiety disorders, antidepressants, Behavioral changes, emotions, eating disorders, Phobias, Amnesia, Addiction, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Cognitive Disorders and not limited to above areas. Psychiatry Open Access is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.