Child Behavior
Child behavior explains a fine line often divides normal from abnormal behavior, in part because what is normal depends upon the childs level of development, which can vary greatly among children of the same age. Three types of child behaviors such as some kinds of behavior are wanted and approved (they might include doing homework, being polite, and doing chores. These actions receive compliments freely and easily), other behavior is not sanctioned but is tolerated under certain conditions (such as during times of illness of a parent or a child or stress, behavior might include not doing chores, regressive behavior, being excessively self-centered), Still other kinds of behavior cannot and should not be tolerated or reinforced (they include actions that are harmful to the physical, emotional, or social well-being of the child, the family members, and others). They may interfere with the childs intellectual development. They may be forbidden by law, ethics, religion, or social mores. They might include very aggressive overt racism or prejudice, stealing, truancy, smoking or substance abuse, school failure, or an intense sibling rivalry.
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