Nanostructured materials
Nanostructured Materials are solid materials with a micro structured characteristic length, which is the order of a few nanometers (1nm= 1m–10m). Nanostructured Materials consisting of nanometer sized crystallites like Au or NaCl with different crystallographic orientations and chemical compositions which are far away from thermodynamic equilibrium. Some examples of research within nanostructured materials are explained synthesis and properties of silicon or magnesium silicon nitride diatom frustule replicas, nanostructured Li2FeSiO4/C synthesized by a modified sol gel method, environmentally friendly preparation of transparent conducting ITO thin films, one pot synthesis of gold nanoparticle functionalized mesoporous silica, adsorbate induced segregation in a PdAg membrane model system, controlled graphene formation on semiconductors and many more.
Edelweiss publications maintaining the journal of Nanomaterial chemistry and technology which accepts all the original manuscripts related to Nanostructured materials.