Nano chemistry
Nano chemistry is a branch of Nano science, deals with the chemical applications of nanomaterial in nanotechnology. It is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale, involves the synthesis and characterization of materials based on Nano scale size (approximately 1-100 nm). Whereas, Nano chemical studying includes various technologies to the Nano world such as scanning tunneling microscope, atomic force microscope, high resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopies, x rays, ion and electron beam probes, and many new methods for nanofabrication and lithography. From study of different assemblies, with the interactions of individual atoms or multiple atoms, Nano chemistry developed various new structures such as dendrimers, clusters, polymers, nanotubes, nanowires, three dimensional molecular structures, chip devices for separations and biological research.
Edelweiss publications maintaining the journal of Nanomaterial chemistry and technology which accepts all the original manuscripts related to Nano chemistry.