Nano Lithography
Nanolithography is derived from the Greek words Nanos means Dwarf, lithos means rock and grapho means to write. Therefore the literal translation is tiny writing on rocks. Nanolithography is the science of etching, writing or printing to modify a material surface with structures under 100nm. The applications of nanolithography are mask masking, grating, quantum dots, miniaturization of FET, surface gated quantum devices, wires, zone plates, biosensor arrays, diagnosis, detection, solar technology, water treatment, and many more. Several lithographic techniques includes by using Nano scale region. They are as follows,
• Extreme ultraviolet lithography
• Electron beam lithography
• Scanning probe microscope lithography
• Light coupling nanolithography
Edelweiss publications maintaining the journal of Nanomaterial chemistry and technology which accepts all the original manuscripts related to Nano Lithography.