Inorganic Nano chemistry
The synthesis and behavior of inorganic and metallic compounds is dealt in inorganic chemistry with the involvement of nanoparticles known as Inorganic Nano chemistry. It covers all the chemical compounds of organic chemistry mainly on carbon based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds. It has wide applications in the field of chemical industry which includes materials science, pigments, surfactants, catalysis, fuels, coatings, agriculture and medications. Organometallic chemistry, cluster chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry are the subdivisions of inorganic Nano chemistry. These fields are active areas of research in inorganic chemistry, aimed toward superconductors, new catalysts and therapies.
Nanomaterial chemistry and technology is a global open access journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process and Nanomaterial chemistry and technology welcomes all research works on Inorganic Nano chemistry. And also as well as case reports on Nano-medicine, articles on Nano-scale materials, research on Nano robotics, research on nanoparticles, and also deals with the Nano science and technology journals.