Infection is that the invasion of associate organisms body tissues by disease-causing agents, their multiplication, and also the reaction of host tissues to the infectious agents and also the toxins they turn out. Communicable disease, additionally referred to as transmissible unwellness or disease, is health problem ensuing from associate infection. Infections area unit caused by infectious agents together with viruses, viroids, prions, bacteria, nematodes like parasitic roundworms and pinworms, arthropods like ticks, mites, fleas, and lice, fungi like ringworms, and alternative macro parasites like tapeworms and alternative helminths. Hosts will fight infections victimization their system. Mammalian hosts react to infections with associate innate response, usually involving inflammation, followed by associate adaptive response. Nursing Care Journal is interested in the special fields related to the topics of this Journal. Nursing care Journal discusses the latest research innovations and important developments in this field.