Polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused due to increased androgens in females. Signs and symptoms of this syndrome involve irregular or menstrual periods, excess body and facial hair, heavy periods, acne, girdle pain, problem obtaining pregnant, and patches of thick, darker, velvety skin. Associated conditions include polygenic disease, obesity, preventative apnea, cardiovascular disease, mood disorders, and endometrial carcinoma. This is because of combined factors of genetic and environmental. Risk factors involve blubber, a scarcity of physical exertion, and a case history of somebody with the condition. Different conditions that turn out similar symptoms also include adrenal dysplasia, glandular disease, and high blood levels of gonadotrophic hormone. Health Care Research invites an article to publish in the Journal of Nursing and Health Care. Nursing and Health Care journal offers a stage in Health care Research and related subjects. Journal accepts leading forefront original research papers, review manuscripts, case reports and commentary in the field.