Multicystic dysplastic kidney
Multicystic dysplastic kidney is a common condition that occurs when one kidney doesnt get put together correctly as its forming in the womb. The kidney consists of irregular cysts of varying sizes that resemble a bunch of grapes. A multicystic dysplastic kidney has no function and nothing can be done to save it. This condition generally only affects one of the kidneys; the other healthy kidney will usually grow larger to compensate for the cystic one. Multicystic dysplastic kidney does not cause any symptoms at all. The condition is usually found during a prenatal ultrasound or when a doctor discovers an abdominal mass during a routine physical examination. The diagnosis of multicystic dysplastic kidney is usually made with an ultrasound examination. Nursing Care Journal is interested in the special fields related to the topics of this Journal. Nursing care and Health Care Journal discusses the latest research innovations and important developments in this field.