Manual therapy
Manual therapy techniques are skilled hand movements and skilled passive movements of joints and soft tissue and are intended to improve tissue extensibility; increase range of motion; induce relaxation; mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints; modulate pain; and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction. Techniques may include manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction, massage, mobilization/manipulation, and passive range of motion. Manual medical aid techniques area unit hot hand movements and hot passive movements of joints and soft tissue and area unit meant to boost tissue extensibility; increase vary of motion; induce relaxation; mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints; modulate pain; and cut back soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction. Techniques could embody manual humor drain, manual traction; massage, mobilization/manipulation, and passive vary of motion.In manual therapy we can see most commonly treatment involving manipulation of muscles and kneading, joint manipulation and joint mobilization. Journal of Nursing and Health care will be glad to publish the new methods involving in Manual therapy; researchers all around the world can publish their new finding on this topic. Edelweiss Publications runs this journal.