Osteoarthritis may be a kind of joint malady that results from breakdown of joint gristle and underlying bone. The foremost common symptoms area unit joint pain and stiffness. Initially, symptoms could occur solely following exercise, however over time could become constant. Alternative symptoms could embrace joint swelling, reduced vary of motion, and, once the rear is affected, weakness or symptom of the arms and legs. The foremost usually concerned joints area unit those close to the ends of the fingers, at the bottom of the thumb, neck, lower back, knee, and hips. Joints on one aspect of the body area unit typically additional affected than those on the opposite. Sometimes the symptoms come back on over years. It will have an effect on work and traditional daily activities. Not like alternative kinds of inflammatory disease, solely the joints area unit generally affected.
Causes embrace previous joint injury, abnormal joint or limb development, and transmitted factors. Risk is bigger in people who area unit overweight, have one leg of a unique length, and have jobs that lead to high levels of joint stress. Degenerative joint disease is believed to be caused by mechanical stress on the joint and low grade inflammatory processes. It develops as gristle is lost and also the underlying bone becomes affected. As pain could build it tough to exercise, muscle loss could occur. Diagnosing is often supported signs and symptoms, with medical imaging and alternative tests often accustomed either support or rule out alternative issues. Nursing Care Journal is interested in the special fields related to the topics of this Journal. Nursing care Journal discusses the latest research innovations and important developments in this field.