Sensory process disorder
Sensory process disorder is additionally referred to as sensory integration disfunction that describes a condition during which multisensory integration isnt adequately processed so as to supply applicable responses to the stress of the setting. The senses give data from varied modalities vision; audition tactile, olfactory, taste, interception and vestibular apparatus that humans got to perform. Sensory process disorder is characterized by important issues in organizing sensation coming back from the body and therefore the setting and is manifested by difficulties within the performance in one or a lot of the most areas of life: productivity, leisure and play or activities of daily living. Completely different individuals expertise a good vary of difficulties once process input coming back from a range of senses, notably tactile. Nursing and Health Care is an open access journal with rapid publication process, high quality manuscripts with innovative research which covers all the aspects of Nursing and Health Care. This Journal accepts original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports, Mini Reviews