Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Dental cone beam computed tomography (CT) is a special type of x-ray equipment used when regular dental or facial x-rays are not satisfactory. This procedure requires little to no special preparation. It is not used routinely because the radiation exposure from this scanner is significantly more than regular dental x-rays. This type of CT scanner uses a special type of technology to generate three dimensional (3-D) images of dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths and bone in the craniofacial region in a single scan. Dental cone beam CT is commonly used for treatment planning of orthodontic issues.
Dental Research and Management is an open access dentistry journal which publishes Research/Review/Mini-Review/Short communication/Case Reports related to Dentistry. Dental Research and Management publishes articles related to above but not limited to it. All the articles related to dentistry are published online and are available to the readers worldwide without any Subscription Charge. Dental Research and Management is the Journal maintained by Edelweiss publications, which ensures of Rapid Peer review with the help of its Editorial Board.