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Dental Research and Management (ISSN: 2572-6978)


Dental Attrition

Dental attrition is a form of dental wear caused by tooth on tooth contact without any foreign substance intervention. The friction caused by the teeth rubbing against one another can wear away the biting surfaces of the teeth over time. Tooth wear is a physiological process and is commonly seen as a normal part of aging. Advanced and excessive wear and tooth surface loss can be defined as pathological in nature, requiring intervention by a dental practitioner. Although some degree of attrition is often observed as part of the aging process, some people may experience more rapid and advanced attrition as a result of dental disorders.

Dental Research and Management is an open access dentistry journal which publishes Research/Review/Mini-Review/Short communication/Case Reports related to Dentistry. Dental Research and Management publishes articles related to above but not limited to it. All the articles related to dentistry are published online and are available to the readers worldwide without any Subscription Charge. Dental Research and Management is the Journal maintained by Edelweiss publications, which ensures of Rapid Peer review with the help of its Editorial Board.

Editorial Board

Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith

