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Dental Research and Management (ISSN: 2572-6978)


Oral Erythroplakia

Erythroplakia or erythroplasia is a clinical term to describe any erythematous area on a mucous membrane that cannot be attributed to any other pathology. These may appear as smooth, velvety, granular or nodular lesions often with well-defined margins adjacent to normal looking mucosa. Erythroplakia is more common among middle aged to elderly persons and, especially among men. It is strongly associated with tobacco habits and alcohol drinking. Treatment involves in oral erythroplakia is biopsy of the lesion to identify extent of dysplasia. Complete excision of the lesion is sometimes advised depending on the histopathology found in the biopsy. Even in these cases, recurrence of the erythroplakia is common and, thus, long-term monitoring is needed.

Dental Research and Management is an open access dentistry journal which publishes Research/Review/Mini-Review/Short communication/Case Reports related to Dentistry. Dental Research and Management publishes articles related to above but not limited to it. All the articles related to dentistry are published online and are available to the readers worldwide without any Subscription Charge. Dental Research and Management is the Journal maintained by Edelweiss publications, which ensures of Rapid Peer review with the help of its Editorial Board.

Editorial Board

Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith

