Dental Fluorosis
Dental fluorosis is also known as mottled enamel. It is an extremely common disorder, characterized by hypomineralization of tooth enamel caused by ingestion of excessive fluoride during enamel formation. It appears as a range of visual changes in enamel causing degrees of characteristic tooth discoloration, and, in some cases, physical damage to the teeth. The severity of the condition is depends up on the dose, duration, and age of the individual during the exposure. In moderate to severe fluorosis, teeth are physically damaged. In very mild fluorosis, is characterized by small, opaque, "paper white” areas scattered irregularly over the tooth, covering less than 25% of the tooth surface. In mild fluorosis mottled patches can involve up to half of the surface area of the teeth. When fluorosis is moderate, all of the surfaces of the teeth are mottled and teeth may be ground down and brown stains frequently "disfigure" the teeth. Severe fluorosis is characterized by brown discoloration and discrete, brown stains are widespread and teeth often present a corroded-looking appearance. People with fluorosis are relatively resistant to dental caries.
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