Dental Sinus
A dental sinus is an abnormal channel that drains from a longstanding dental abscess associated with a necrotic or dead tooth. A dental sinus generally results from a chronic infection in longstanding necrotic dental pulp or a dead tooth. The decay is usually due to caries or trauma. Poor dental hygiene and regular consumption of refined sugars are the main reasons for dental caries. A dental sinus may drain to an intraoral sinus (within the mouth), or an extraoral, orofacial sinus (the skin surface of the face or neck). The majority of necrotic teeth have been reported to drain to intraoral dental sinuses which are the most common form. Before the sinus or fistula develops, the infected necrotic pulp may cause severe toothache. Disappearance of the pain without dental treatment can be an important clue that the abscess has drained and formed a sinus.
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