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Journal of Obesity and Diabetes (ISSN: 2638-812X)


Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine disorders consists of the different organs which releases the hormones, these hormones affect the other parts of the body. The Common endocrine disorders are Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Thyroid Cancer, Graves’ disease, etc. And this disorder may occur even when the hormones do not respond as the way it supposed.

These disorders can be treated by decreasing the hormone level or replacing the hormone which are in deficient. Another method to treat to endocrine disorder is Chemotherapy. This method is used for patients who are suffering with cancer of an endocrine gland. Research is ongoing on glands that secrete hormones to control physiological and behavioral activities.

Edelweiss publications maintaining the Journal of Obesity and Diabeteswhich accepts all the original manuscripts related to Endocrine Disorders Obesity and Diabetes provides a global open access platform to put forth the ongoing research, reviews articles related to Obesity and Diabetes related diseases.

Editorial Board

Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith

