Biopharmaceutical drugs
A biopharmaceutical is also called as biological medical product or biologic. Any pharmaceutical drug product manufactured or extracted from, or semi synthesized from biological sources is called as Biopharmaceutical drug. The large majority of biopharmaceutical products are pharmaceuticals that are derived from life forms. Production of biopharmaceuticals involves transgenic organisms, particularly plants and animals that have been genetically modified to produce drugs. Biopharmaceuticals are drugs produced using biotechnology. They are proteins, nucleic acids used for therapeutic or in vivo diagnostic purposes, and are produced by means other than direct extraction from a native biological source.
Edelweiss Pharma Analytica Acta is a peer reviewed Open Access journal that aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the findings and current developments in the form of case reports, original research and review articles, and short communications. All the articles related to pharmaceutical science are published online and are available to the readers worldwide without any Subscription Charge. Edelweiss Pharma Analytica Acta is the Journal maintained by Edelweiss publications, which ensures of Rapid Peer review with the help of its Editorial Board.