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Edelweiss Frontiers in Applied Science


Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering is one of the branches of engineering which applies the usage of scientific and engineering principles to the following situations.

·         protect human health and infrastructure from environmental dangers

·         protect environments, both local and global, from natural and human threats, including control of waste

·         To improve the environmental quality.

Environmental engineers devise feasible solutions for waste water management, air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, radiation protection, industrial hygiene, animal agriculture, environmental sustainability, and public health.

Environmental engineering area of practice includes:

1.      Waste water treatment

2.       Air pollution control

3.       Water treatment

4.       Solid Waste Management

5.       Hazardous Water Management and many more.

Edelweiss publications maintaining Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology journal is an open access maintaining high standard quality articles of Environmental Engineering.

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