Natural science
Natural science could be a branch of science. Involved with the outline, prediction and understanding of natural phenomena, supported empirical proof from observation and experimentation. Mechanisms like review and repeatability of findings square measure wont to attempt. To make sure the validity of scientific advances. Science may be divided into 2 main branches natural science and natural science. Natural science is divided into branches, as well as physics, chemistry, natural philosophy.
Branches of science are Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. Physics plays a major role within the alternative natural sciences, as described by uranology, geophysics, chemical physics and physics. Likewise chemistry is described by such fields as organic chemistry, chemical biology, chemical science and astrochemistry.
Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Journal is an open access, peer reviewed journal in Edelweiss Publications, Inc. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, discuss new issues and developments in different fields of Natural science.