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Edelweiss Frontiers in Applied Science


Fluid mechanics

Fluid mechanics is that the branch of physics involved with the mechanics of fluids (liquids, gases, and plasmas) and also the forces on them. Fluid mechanics incorporates a big selection of applications, together with applied science, engineering science, chemical engineering, medical specialty engineering, geophysics, astronomy, and biology. Fluid mechanics may be divided into fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest; and fluid dynamics, the study of the result of forces on fluid motion. its a branch of time mechanics, a subject matter that models matter while not exploitation the knowledge that its created out of atoms; thats, it models matter from a large viewpoint instead of from microscopic. Fluid mechanics, particularly fluid dynamics, is a vigorous field of analysis with several issues that are partially or completely unresolved. Fluid mechanics may be mathematically complicated, and might best be resolved by numerical strategies, generally exploitation computers. a contemporary discipline, known as  computational fluid dynamics (CFD), is dedicated to this approach to determination hydraulics issues. Particle image velocimetry, Associate in nursing scientific method for visualizing and analyzing fluid flow, conjointly takes advantage of the extremely visual nature of fluid flow.

The journal of Edelweiss Applied Science and technology addresses current issues related to Fluid mechanics. Peer review process is done by editorial board members following the double blinding process.

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