Thermodynamics is that the branch of physics involved with heat and temperature and their relevancy energy and work. The behavior of those quantities is ruled by the four laws of Thermodynamics, regardless of the composition or specific properties of the fabric or system in question. The laws of natural philosophy area unit explained in terms of microscopic constituents by physical science. natural philosophy applies to a good sort of topics in science and engineering, particularly chemical science, chemical engineering and applied science.
Historically, thermodynamics developed out of a want to extend the potency of early steam engines, significantly through the work of French scientist Nicolas Elmore Leonard physicist (1824) United Nations agency believed that engine potency was the key that might facilitate France win the warfare. Scottish scientist Lord Kelvin was the primary to formulate a terse definition of natural philosophy in 1854 that expressed, "Thermodynamics is that the subject of the relation of heat to forces acting between contiguous components of bodies, and also the relation of heat to electrical agency."
Edelweiss publications has a rapid review process, it tries to publish the manuscript within 4-6 weeks of time after submission. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Journal promote studies on thermodynamics for betterment of society.