Tissue engineering
Tissue engineering is the use of a combination of cells, engineering and materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace the biological tissues in the body. Tissue engineering involves the use of a tissue scaffold for the formation of new viable tissue which can be used for a medical purpose. Before it was categorized under bio materials as a sub field, Because of its scope and importance it is now considered as a specific field of study.
Tissue engineering cover a wide range of applications, in practice the term is closely associated with applications that repair or replace portions of or whole tissues that may be bone, cartilage, blood vessels, bladder, skin, muscle and many more. Often, the tissues involved require certain mechanical and structural properties for proper functioning. The term has also been applied to efforts to perform specific biochemical functions using cells within an artificially-created support system (e.g. an artificial pancreas, or a bio artificial liver). The regenerative medicine is commonly used of tissue engineering as a synonym, although those involved in regenerative medicine place more emphasis on the use of stem cells or progenitor cells to produce tissues.
Edelweiss publications has a rapid review process, it tries to publish the manuscript within 4-6 weeks of time after submission. Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology Journal promote articles on Tissue engineering and its applications.