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Carcinoid Heart Disease

Carcinoid heart disease (CHD) is a rare cardiac manifestation occurring in patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumours and the carcinoid syndrome, usually involving the right-sided heart valves and eventually leading to right heart failure.

The carcinoid syndrome, characterised by cutaneous flushing, secretory diarrhoea, and bronchospasm, occurs secondary to the paraneoplastic effects of vasoactive tumour products such as serotonin and only occurs in the presence of metastatic spread.

Carcinoid heart disease occurs in approximately 50% of patients with the carcinoid syndrome and usually heralds a worsening prognosis.

Cardiology research Journals like Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (CCCM) provides a global open access platform to put forth the ongoing research, reviews articles related to Carcinoid Heart disease.

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