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Non-invasive cardiology

Non-invasive cardiology focus on the detection and treatment of heart disease, using external tests rather than instruments inserted into the body to evaluate and diagnose cardiac disorders. Simply stated, it identifies heart problems without using any needles, fluids, or other instruments which are inserted into the body. Non-invasive cardiologists utilize techniques such as:

·         Nuclear cardiology: A non-invasive study of cardiovascular disorders by means of various types of imaging which may use radioactive elements.

·         Echocardiography: The usage of ultrasound waves to create images of the heart and surrounding structures in order to identify how well the heart pumps blood, infections, and structural abnormalities.

·         Cardiac electrophysiology: Study and testing of the electrical currents which generate heartbeats.

·         Stress tests: Stress testing usually involves exercise which is monitored by the cardiologist.

·         Heart monitors: Heart monitors are essentially tape recorders for your hearts electrical activity over a set amount of time.

·         CT scans: CT scans produce images which your cardiologist can examine for heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Cardiology research Journals like Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (CCCM) provides a global open access platform to put forth the ongoing research, reviews articles related to Non-invasive cardiology.

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