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Stem Cells in Neuroimmunology

Stem Cells in Neuroimmunology: Stem cells have been the focus of numerous scientific endeavors due to their potential for mediating enhanced tissue repair, regeneration from degenerative diseases, and amelioration of age-related organ dysfunction. In the central nervous system, investigating the effect of aging on neural stem/progenitor cell (NPC) function is of particular interest due to the associated onset of cognitive impairments, and lack of neural repair in response to neurodegenerative diseases. Identification of a subset of systemic immune factors, as potential regulators of neurogenesis and cognitive function. Interestingly, immune signaling has emerged as a key player in the negative regulation of adult neurogenesis. By these investigating mechanisms underlying impairments in NPC function, we can better understand how to ameliorate age-related cognitive dysfunction in the old brain

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