Journal of Obesity and Diabetes (ISSN: 2638-812X)

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Article In Press
Tafur Delgado, Michael Muñoz Ortiz, Víctor Otero Marrugo and Juan Farak Gómez
Manal Hamed Awad Elmadih, Abdurrahman Khalid, Ibrahim Abdelrhim Ali, Adam Abdurrahman Hussein and Omer Abd elaziz Musa
Dan Jiang and Fanyi Meng
Hiroshi Bando, Hisako
Yamashita, Yoshinobu Kato, Katsunori Ogura,
Yoshikane Kato and Setsuko Kanazawa
Editorial Board
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Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose or blood sugar
levels are high. Glucose is produced when the food we eat is digested and
released into blood. The produced glucose should enter the cells to be utilized
as energy by the body. In order for the glucose to be entered into cells,
Pancreas an organ in our body produces insulin which helps the glucose to enter
the cells. When there is a lack of insulin production or lack of insulin
utilization, the glucose produced after digestion remains in the blood leading
to diabetes. Diabetes is of three types, Type 1 Diabetes,
Type 2 Diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes. In Type 1 Diabetes, body does not
make insulin. In Type 2 Diabetes,
body does not utilize the produced insulin well. Gestational Diabetes happens in pregnant women with no prior history of
diabetes leading to problems in pregnancy and baby’s health. Symptoms of
diabetes include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger.
Excess blood sugar for prolonged period of time effects eyes, kidney, skin
problems, nerves, heart, stroke etc. The department that deals with
diabetes is called Endocrinology.
Obesity is condition in which excess fat gets accumulated in the
body. This is caused by over intake of calories, less physical activity,
genetic background. The fat that is produced accumulates in the body making the
person obese. BMI is a measurement to find the person is obese or
overweight. It is a measurement which uses person’s weight and height. If BMI
is between 25 and 29.9, they are considered as overweight and
if the BMI is over 30, they are considered as obese. Obesity causes
cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea,
depression, and some cancers.
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Editorial Board: The Journal of Obesity and Diabetes consist of Editorial
Board members from all over the world who help us in rapid peer review process
(4-6 weeks).
Latest published
Tafur Delgado, Michael Muñoz Ortiz, Víctor Otero Marrugo and Juan Farak Gómez
Manal Hamed Awad Elmadih, Abdurrahman Khalid, Ibrahim Abdelrhim Ali, Adam Abdurrahman Hussein and Omer Abd elaziz Musa
Dan Jiang and Fanyi Meng
Hiroshi Bando, Hisako
Yamashita, Yoshinobu Kato, Katsunori Ogura,
Yoshikane Kato and Setsuko Kanazawa
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