Metabolomics is the study of chemical processes including metabolites, the small atom intermediates and results of metabolism. In particular, metabolomics is the "systematic study of the unique chemical fingerprints that specific cellular processes leave behind", the investigation of their small atom metabolite profiles. The metabolome presents the entire arrangement of metabolites in a natural cell, tissue, organ or life form, which are the final results of cell processes. mRNA gene expression data and proteomic analyses uncover the arrangement of set of gene products produced in the cell, information that represents to one part of cell work. On the other hand, metabolic profiling can give a prompt preview of the physiology of that cell, and in this manner, metabolomics gives a direct "functional readout of the physiological state" of an organism. One of the difficulties of system biology and functional genomics is to incorporate genomics, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data to give a superior comprehension of cell science.
Biochemistry and Modern Applications is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. The topics like DNA polymerases, Heterochromatin, Ribosome, Non-coding DNA, Cell biology, Metabolism, Nutritional Biochemistry, Medicinal Biochemistry and Hormonal Biochemistry are studied. Biochemistry and Modern Applications is an open access scholarly journal maintaining high standards of scientific excellence and its editorial board ensures a rapid peer review process.