The transcriptome is the arrangement of all RNA atoms in a single cell or a population of cells. It is sometimes used to refer to all RNAs or just mRNA depending upon the specific analysis. It varies from the exome, in that it includes just those RNA particles found in a specified cell population and generally involves the sum or concentration of every RNA atom in addition to sub-atomic characters. The term can be connected to the aggregate arrangement of transcripts in a given living being, or to the particular type of transcripts present in a specific cell type. In contrast to the genome, which is generally settled for a given cell line (barring transformations), the transcriptome can differ with external environmental conditions. Since it incorporates all mRNA transcripts in the cell, the transcriptome reflects the genes that are actively expressed at any time, except for mRNA degradation phenomenon, for example, transcriptional attenuation. The investigation of transcriptomics, (which incorporates articulation profiling, join variation examination and so forth) analyzes the expression level of RNAs in a given cell population, frequently concentrating on mRNA, however including others for example, tRNAs, sRNAs.
Biochemistry and Modern Applications is a peer reviewed Journal, with rapid publication process. The topics like DNA polymerases, Heterochromatin, Ribosome, Non-coding DNA, Cell biology, Metabolism, Nutritional Biochemistry, Medicinal Biochemistry and Hormonal Biochemistry are studied. This is not just limited to above areas. The knowledge related to different biomolecules and their mechanisms can be studied in the journal of Biochemistry and modern applications. This journal provides an open access platform for the young scientists and researchers to share their valuable information regarding the biomolecules and their mechanism.