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Edelweiss: Cancer Open Access (ISSN: 2689-6737)

Breast cancer

Breast cancer develops from breast tissue in which Signs may include a lump in the breast, a change in shape of the breast, a red or scaly patch of skin, fluid coming from the nipple. Major cause for the breast cancer includes drinking alcohol, obesity, lack of physical exercise, ionizing radiation, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, having children late or not at all, and some cases are due to genes inherited from parents. The diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the lump.

Cancer refers to the abnormal growth of cell tissue. Tumors are usually divided into Benign and Malignant. Malignant or cancerous tumors develop more rapidly. They are not localized and are often fatal for the patient. A benign tumors is localized, develops slowly and does not usually result in the patients death.

Editorial Board

Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith

Assistant Professor

Jhon Smith

