Pharmacognosy is the study of plants or other natural sources as a possible source of drugs. Pharmacognosy as a multiplex of overlapping and integrated sciences is at the forefront of numerous technological advances, both in the laboratory and the field. Pharmacognosy provides a thorough understanding of natural products from various sources. Plants and organisms are used in a variety of ways in the production of conventional and alternative medicines. The beneficial active ingredient of the plant may be found anywhere in its physical structure, such as in the petal or stem of a flower. This is one of the five major divisions of the pharmaceutical curriculum, represents the oldest branch of the profession of pharmacy. The ancients gathered herbs, animals, plants, and minerals and concocted them into ill-flavored pungent mixtures. Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology Journal offer a stage in Pharmacoepidemiology Researches and related subjects. Journal accepts leading forefront original research papers, review manuscripts, case reports and commentary in the field.