Personalized medicine
Personalized medicine is a medical model that separates people into different groups with medical decisions, practices, interventions and products being tailored to the individual patient based on their predicted response or risk of disease. The terms personalized medicine; precision medicine, stratified medicine and P4 medicine are used interchangeably to describe this concept though some authors and organizations use these expressions separately to indicate particular nuances. Personalized medicine may be considered an extension of traditional approaches to understanding and treating disease. Personalized medicine has the potential to change the way we think about, identify and manage health problems. It is already having an exciting impact on both clinical research and patient care, and this impact will grow as our understanding and technologies improve.
The journal of Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology aim is to publish high quality research in the discipline of Pharmacovigilance by providing encouragement for editors, reviewers, authors, and readers to have an uninterrupted scientific communication.