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Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (ISSN 2639-6807)


Invasive cardiology

Invasive cardiology is a procedure of diagnosis and therapeutic treatments for cardiovascular diseases which Involves puncture of heart or insertion of an instrument or any foreign material into the body. Invasive cardiology uses open or minimally-invasive surgery to identify or treat structural or electrical abnormalities within the heart structure. Common types of invasive cardiology are

 Angioplasty: When plaque clogs arteries, it becomes difficult for blood to flow normally. Angioplasty inserts a tiny balloon into clogged vein and pushes plaque against the walls, allowing for increased blood flow.

Stenting: Stenting is usually done in conjunction with angioplasty. A cardiac stent is a small metal coil which permanently holds a clogged vein open.

Cardiology research Journals like Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine (CCCM) provides a global open access platform to put forth the ongoing research, reviews articles related to Invasive Cardiology.

Editorial Board

Jhon Smith


Jhon Smith

Senior Resident

Jhon Smith

Associate Professor

Jhon Smith

